Staying Healthy at Home Information
Hi All,
I hope you’re all ok. Please see below some information from Sport England and the NHS about options to stay healthy and try some moving about when and if people need to be at home. Some of these are particularly designed for older people.
External Link Sport England:
External Link NHS:
External Link Down Dog Fitness App (Web, iOS or Android
If you could share this with your members, neighbours and friends that would be really great and help people stay positive and mentally well as well as physically which we know is really important.
You might have already seen that the National Trust have taken away payments for entering their parks and green spaces to help people access some fresh air and opportunities to be active and give some room and headspace.
External Link the National Trust:
Keep an eye on government advice and do feel you can contact me. We are referring individuals and groups and in to the national guidance from the government
External Link UK Government:
There is also a national Age UK Coronavirus Updates page
External Link Age UK:
Locally, the Age UK Rotherham Advice Line on 01709 835214 is the best way for people to approach us for help – you can help by making sure that older people you are in contact with know that.
Take care
Iain Cloke